Albert Dhafana,

Albert Dhafana, Southern African sub-region coordinator from Zimbabwe

Albert Dhafana is a doctoral candidate in business management with Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi Kenya. Albert has considerable experience in financial mediation, inclusion especially for marginalized people. With considerable working experience in the field of accounting and assurance with international organizations like Population Services International and many community-based organizations including Caritas Internationalis, he is considered an expert in organizational development aspects. Keen researcher and currently working as Human Capital and OD Lead with the Catholic Church in Zimbabwe , Albert is a sought after resource person in corporate governance and OD within and outside the Church.
A lay leader with postgraduate qualifications in spiritual theology and at present serving with Catholic Professionals Network of Zimbabwe as well as coordinating the Southern Region for Pax Romana. Albert is a keen Marian having gone through structured formation in the Saint Joseph Lay Association and Carmelite Third Order.