Christian attitudes towards the legalization of termination of pregnancy



By DR. HASIMAHERY RANDRIANASOLO from Madagascar, Doctor and Specialist in risk and disaster management and resilience.

We have heard of some African countries facing problems towards the legalization some forms of termination of pregnancy. As faithful Catholics, we know our position. The Catholic Church is clear about this, but the questions that arise are: how to act? how to address it? in other words, what attitudes, what reactions should we have in the face of this situation or this problem?

Dr. Hasimahery adopted 05 steps detailing his attitudes towards the sollicitation of legalization of abortion in Madagascar.

  1. Questioning
  2. Comprehension
  3. Discernment
  4. Positioning
  5. Action

Dr. Hasimahery chose to speak the first 02 steps during the webinar.


“Am I concerned and why? » (to ask yourself once, and to clarify at the start)

Yes: we are all concerned as citizens and Christians (Catholics)

Because of what is at stake in terms of: moral / ethical; faith and legal.

(1)- We talk about “legalization” / “law”: which applies to everyone – to the whole society in which we are a part of.

(a)- It affects the moral values ​​of society, which we are a part of (before and after)

(b)- it affects our religious, Christian (Catholics) values ​​and their practice (before and after)

(2)- it can be an open door to changes that we consider immoral and contrary to our faith.

  • In particular, the legalization of voluntary termination of pregnancy.

In this situation, what do I need to understand to be able to adopt any attitude? »


(1)- Understand the practical, concrete translation of what the church says / what our faith says: the meaning (to be able to consider what can be accepted or not when we speak of “legalization of a termination of pregnancy”). (operation to be done once: at the start)

(a)- Understand the title of this webinar: “reconciling morals/ethics, faith and science”.

  • It does not mean “compromise” or “consensus” between the 3 BUT
  • It should be understood as follows: “How in this context, science can be applied in the light of morality and of/my faith? »

Among the keywords that should be retained:

  • No intention to kill the baby
  • Objective: Always seek to save the lives of both (mother and child)
  • Only in response to a diagnosis and seeking a cure
  • Always decided and practiced by only an adequate physician
  • What is immoral and unethical must not be legalized

(2)- Understand the situation and the context (evolve / change)

 [operation to be repeated each time necessary]

(a)- Formulation of such a text?

(b)- Content and outline of such a text?

(c)- Aim and purpose of such a process / text?

(d)- Who proposes, who supports and why?


“Is what I have been able to understand good or bad? Contrary or not to my moral and Christian principles, convictions and values? »

= APPRECIATION IN RELATION TO THE SITUATION (operation to be repeated each time necessary)

(1)- compared to what the Bible (Jesus) tells me about it (not only what the Church says)

(2)- in relation to my life and my mission as a citizen and a Christian

(3)- in relation to what I want for my society and my descendants (current and future generations)

(4)- in relation to what the Holy Spirit is telling me (it is necessary to pray for this).


“Is what I have been able to understand and what is happening is acceptable or not for me? Does it bother me? »


[operation to be repeated each time necessary]

(1)- Why position yourself?

(a)- in relation to what the Bible (Jesus) tells me about it (not just what the Church says)

(b)- in relation to my life and my mission as a citizen and a Christian

(c)- in relation to what I want for my society and my descendants (current and future generations)

(d)- in relation to what the Holy Spirit is telling me (it is necessary to pray for this)

(2)- How to position oneself?

(a)- in his strong interior first. If need to express: go to next step 5.

(b)- declare your position: accept and pray.

All you need to say is simply YES or NO; anything beyond this comes from the evil one”.” Matthiew 5:37


“Faced with what I have observed, that I have been able to understand, and following my position, should I and will I act/react or not? remain passive or be active and How? »


[operation to be repeated each time necessary]

(1)- Why act?

(a)- in relation to what the Bible (Jesus) tells me about it (not only what the Church says)

(b)- in relation to my life and my mission as a citizen and a Christian

(c)- in relation to what I want for my society and my descendants (current and future generations)

(d)- in relation to what the Holy Spirit is telling me (it is necessary to pray for this)

(2)- How to act?

• It all depends on who is relevant to do and what you can do at your level, in the face of the situation and after having prayed (asked to be guided by the Holy Spirit).

• Choice between: doing visible actions and not doing visible actions or combining the two.

Make visible actions (examples)Not doing visible actions (examples)
Individually or in groups:
*Inform / raise awareness
* Advocate (do advocacy)
*Create movements to lobby *Pray in a visible way (Mass intention, prayer groups, prayer movements/events, etc.)
* Express your position in your professional life
Individually or in groups:
*Pray in your corner / in their corners but in union of prayer (Rosary of the Unborn; Rosary….)
*Remain silent and let time pass so as not to play the game of those who want to make it a major subject or a priority subject
* Do awareness and advocacy work by silence

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be throw and trampled underfoot”. Matthiew 5: 13

“But if you warn the wicked person and they do not turn from their wickedness or from their evil ways, they will die for their sins, but you will have saved yourself.” Ezekiel 3: 19-20


This was the approach that Dr. Hasimahery applied and that he shared as a testimony.

There are many struggles / trials. We are invited to live our faith concretely in everyday life:

  • Stand firm – bear witness to our God.
  • Let us try to be true Catholic Christian citizens:

– Disciples of Jesus Christ, missionaries

– True Catholic Christian Leaders


  • Agents of change but also guardians of the good values ​​of the Company, and
  • Influencers

By DR. HASIMAHERY RANDRIANASOLO from Madagascar, Doctor and Specialist in risk and disaster management and resilience.