People, Purpose, and Passion: the pathway to ZACP success.

Pose photo of the participants

On 10th December 2022, the Zambian Association of Catholic Professionals (ZACP – ICMICA Zambia) held their Annual General Meeting at the Catholic Laity Center Lusaka, Zambia.

The theme of the meeting was: People, Purpose, and Passion: the pathway to ZACP success.

The event started with a prayer and reflection led by Sr. Esther Chikombo from the Holy Cross Sisters, followed by the opening remarks by the ZACP Chairperson, Dr. Agatha Lloyd.

After the opening session, participants reflected on the leadership of the movement, taking into consideration the presence of new members, young people who have joined (as we can see on the photo above), who are eager to know more about ICMICA and its operation.

After having a discussion on the leadership, ZACP members held the statutory session and the election of the new executive. We must say that Zambia has set the path for many countries to follow. They have shown a good example of inclusion (of the young professionals) in the movement. They have elected many young adults who have graduated from IMCS to hold the leadership position, as we can see on the photo.

The team that was elected to lead the movement is composed of:

New executive team of ZACP

(From right to the left)

  • Tererai Raramai Madzivanyika, Chairperson. He is at the same time the Regional Youth Ambassador for ICMICA Africa,
  • Annette Malulu, Vice Chairperson,
  • Michelle Kampengele, Secretary,
  • Norbert Mofya, Vice Secretary,
  • Mziche Phiri, Treasurer,
  • Raphael Mwisa, Vice Treasurer,
  • Geoffrey Kapembwa, Committee Member,
  • Elizabeth Mwansa Tembo, Coordinator.

The new elected team aims to bring more Young Professionals to the movement and to have a national coverage. The Zambian Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) has mandated them to revive the movement in all Dioceses in Zambia. ZCCB said that the seeds were sown long time ago, it is time to nurture them so that they can grow and bear fruits.

The event was successful and an eucharistic celebration led by Father Gaspard Machai from OFM Capuchin, marked its closure.

The Pan African Coordination Team of ICMICA congratulates ZACP for this big milestone and wishes the new team a fruitful mandate and a successful service to the Church and to the movement.