Cameroon is at crossroads, due to slowdown in economic activity, Health Crisis, Security crisis in the North West, South West and Far North, end of reign atmosphere of the president in office, new Football postponement of the Africa Cup of Nations for 2022; the Catholic Church in the face of all these challenges continues its missions.
Economic situation :
The drop in world oil prices to their lowest level since the oil crisis of the 1970s has slowed down the growth of countries in Central Africa as the growth is strongly supported by the export of raw materials.
Crise sécuritaire au Nord-Ouest, Sud-Ouest et Extrême
The northern provinces of the country has experienced a strong period of insecurity with the incursions of the Islamist sect of BOKO HARAM since 2014; the situation appears to be under control with the multinational force;
Since 2016, a crisis has occurred in the North West and South West provinces; the crisis was initially corporate, and later turned into an armed conflict between government forces and armed groups demanding an end. To date, the conflict has claimed more than 2,000 lives among combatants and civilians, more than 600,000 internally displaced refugees in the Littoral, West and Central regions; and refugees in neighboring Nigeria.
The government in partnership with bilateral and multilateral partners have undertaken actions aimed at promoting dialogue between the parties.
Spoken prosecutions are underway between the central government and some representatives of the living forces of the North-West and South-West regions to seek solutions to the crisis, a national dialogue was held on September 30, 2019, and the implementation of resolutions is done gradually.
Internally displaced populations have rushed to the major cities of the country including Douala which hosts the bulk of the workforce, Bafoussam and Capital Yaoundé. Thousands of young people are no longer in school, while some carry out small trades; the vast majority who are not employed have become very vulnerable.
Pax Romana Cameroun
Pax Romana Cameroon is not to be outdone by all this news that challenges each of us.
The Lord teaches us in Ps 23: 1-4: The Lord is my shepherd, I will not lack for anything. He puts me to rest in the meadows of fresh grass. It leads me to Calm near water. He revives my forces, he guides me on the right path, because he is the shepherd of Israel. Even if I go through the dark valley, I fear no harm, Lord, because you are accompanying me. You drive me, you defend me, that’s what reassures me.
Pax Romana Cameroon meditates on these words and finds deep inside them the hope necessary to continue its missions. The lockdown imposed us a compulsory rest; this pandemic has come to remind us of our real existence and especially the humility that man must have via towards nature and his contemporaries and especially our personal relationship with GOD.
The hope :
The Metropolitan Archbishop of Douala, Msgr. Samuel KLEDA put himself at the bedside of the whole community with prayers, messages of comfort; he is also thankful to God for the gift of natural plants being developed a treatment that relieves people with COVID 19; the treatment is free for anyone who has previously tested positive. Cameroonian public authorities and local NGOs are providing it with the necessary resources to support the initiative and maintain free treatment.
Pax Romana Cameroon welcomed a group of five new members during this French and English confinement. The resumption of face-to-face meetings is set for this month of July 2020 at the Bonamoussadi spiritual center. The program includes teachings followed by a mass.
We continue with the grace of GOD our mission in Cameroon, Union of prayer.
Douala, 02nd July 2020