Feedback from the theology class


How do you find the training contents/modules? Is there a topic that you wish should be included or developed further?

“The content of different modules was enriching. Without neglecting any other modules.”

“The module on the Introduction to the Bible is to be developed a little further, in particular by providing sub-modules: introduction to the old Testament (Pentateuch, Wisdom Writings, and Prophets), introduction to the New Testament (Gospels, Act of Apostles, Apocalypse). The division into sub-modules would make it possible to better develop aspects specific to the Old Testament and the New Testament and to better equip Catholic intellectuals to familiarize themselves with the Scriptures. Biblical training for lay people should be another area to be considered.”

“More modules on Social Teachings and Ecclesiology, History of the Church, The Fathers of the Church.”

“A module on sacraments

  • sacraments of initiation
  • sacraments of healing
  • sacraments of service with insights on the canon law.”

“Orientation towards an individual deepening.”

“If possible, in the upcoming formation, participants would like to study a theme concerning Mary and the various apparitions, another theme will be about sainthood, the beatification of the saints.”

“There is a whole new reawakening of the need to define things the African way. I have watched young people leave the Catholic Church or lose meaning completely with this “white god, white religion” I think it will be good to deepen this perspective on African Theology! What was offered was quite good and created the thirst for more. How do we connect the many crises facing the continent to religion now that Africa is the lung of the Catholic Church? How do we explain the encyclicals, especially those that highly help the laity make their contribution to a continent that needs them badly? I would love to see a session dedicated to Religion and development even if it is not in the context of Theology.”

“Considering the training theme, the content of the different models is consistent. An aspect to deepen? This would be The Church today, what relationship with the notion of God? Religion and spirituality are facing the strong rise of currents of meditation and personal development.”

“The modules are all useful and thought-provoking. We understand that they do not develop the subject in a developed way because of the duration of a session and the spirit of orientation towards individual deepening. I would have liked a module on teaching or catechism because I was counting a lot on training in the transmission of knowledge in matters of religion, Christianity, and faith.”

“The content of the course is very interesting to deepen our spiritual life. Christians especially executives really need to know the history of the Church. If there will still be a possibility for formation, I would like to study a theme concerning Mary and the various apparitions. another theme is the beatification of the saints.”

“The training was very good and it went very well wish there were training sessions on a regular basis. Emphasize biblical formation for lay people.”

“I found the modules and the content very interesting. I would like you to add the following modules: the crises that the Church has gone through; The Church and Protestantism; The social doctrine of the Church.”

“The modules were generally ok. I propose Something on Saints and sainthood.”

“Training modules adapted to everyday life. I want documents about Ecclesiology and Catholic social doctrine.”

“It is ok for me. I would kindly Wish to know about St Joseph and Mariology. Ecclesiology to be developed further, please.”

How has the course helped you or added value to you?

“The course allowed me to get clarification on the Catholic Church with children and hierarchical superiors. I am strong now and you can’t go wrong.”

“The course gave me a plus in my knowledge on good points. The languages ​​in which the Bible is written. I now know that the Gospel of Mark is the first written. I have an idea of ​​how the bible is written. That Catholic morality draws from 04 sources: bible-tradition-reason-experience. That the origin of the church is God himself.”

“The course helped me a lot to know the church and its mission. This knowledge of what the Church is and its mission reinforces my vision of evangelization and my own role as a son of the church. The course also helped me to know about the Bible, its history, and if I talk about the bible. Thank you so much.”

“The course has made me more informed about many things that I was not conversant with, like the origin of the Catholic Church and its tradition.”

“The courses added value to me. Reinforcement of my confidence in the Church, which does not close its eyes either to its weaknesses or to the external risks that it incurs.”

“The course helped me much more in the knowledge of the Catholic Church and the way it works, the way it makes its decisions, and especially the sciences on which they are based to guide the faithful and speak to the world.”

“The course helped me get closer/know more about God.”

“The course allowed me to have knowledge with which I can hold a discussion with other religions.”

“The course has helped me have confidence in most of the things in theology. I would like to even go deeper into the topics shared so that I can have even more knowledge on the topics of my Christianity and the church.”

“Personally, I feel more confident and be more proud of my Church. I realized that the Church has so much wealth. In addition, it has given rise to a surge of research and ongoing formation in the Church.”

“The course helped me better understand the fundamental principles of church teaching.”

“The course helped me better know how to consider the Holy Scriptures and to read the Bible no longer literally but with a spirit of discernment and allows me to better defend my faith.”

“I had to learn about the different themes studied.”

“The courses strengthened my capacities: spirituality, and cultural information, knowledge know-how.”

“The course allowed me to discover other themes, terminologies, and realities specific to the church that I was unaware of and allowed me to deepen my faith. I believe this is a good opportunity for Catholics to master the doctrines of the church.”

“Enhanced my understanding of Catholicism and knowledge of God.”

“The course has improved my understanding of my faith, especially the class on the bible.”

“I am able to appreciate the indications of compiling the Bible and therefore understand it better.”

“Being a lay leader in the Catholic church, I have increased my knowledge of the bible More so on creation Learned how to read the bible in a systematic way. I have been equipped with skills and tools for evangelization.”

“It has rejuvenated my quest to seek more knowledge about my faith.”

“The course helped me to better understand the social doctrine of the church. It enlightened me more about the social teaching of the church.”

“I have always considered doing a course on Theology based on my past 15 years working with faith communities. I always thought of enrolling in Tangaza University College. The course by Pax Romana was thus quite helpful, timely, and very well delivered. It created the thirst for more, the thirst for deepening what I learned and I am able to add reflections to my daily life and understand things more deeply.”

“Among the advantages, I would mention knowledge of the context of the writing of the Bible; reinforcement of the feeling of belonging to the MIIC, beyond borders and barriers; – updating of knowledge of the Church and its social doctrine.”

“It has deepened my knowledge; I can at least tackle some questions about our faith and church.”

“The training opened my eyes to the Bible, its composition, and its apprehension. it’s a new discovery that pushes me to want to deepen my knowledge of theology in its various aspects. I can’t wait to do it because I recognize that this is only an introduction and that it will be necessary to launch to continue the study. Hallelujah, the church is built on rock and is unshakable because it is a divine work. So I ask myself the question, how did the divisions in the church come about, and at the same time, I imagine the precious contribution of the crises in the church. Maybe the next training to shed more light on it. Thank you to all, the organization and the trainers.”

“Concretely, I do not have my two feet on the ground when I am asked to teach. With this training, I start by positioning myself and situating myself.”

“So far, the courses have allowed me to confirm and consolidate all the knowledge acquired in various ways (conferences, exchanges, meetings, etc.) on the important subjects of the Faith of our holy Church. Thank you for the dedication of our trainers and organizers.”

“The course allowed me to update and remove some doubts about my way of seeing the writing of the Bible.”

“Yes. I have an idea of ​​the history of the Bible.”

“The course helped me to understand the notion of Theology in general because I had always thought of a complicated thing reserved for priests. It also reinforced my knowledge of the Social Doctrine of the Church, which is a good thing. The enriching aspect is above all the multicultural side of the trainers and the audience. This diversity brings a strong added value and confirms the universality of the Church.”

“It has really helped me a lot spiritually and physically. There are some things I use to take for granted but after the training, I feel I have changed the way I see things now.”

“The course helped me to have a little clearer idea about the bible and to know more about the Church.”

What are your recommendations for improvement?

“The lessons are well given. I enjoyed the course class. I would like more sessions to be organized.”

“Use zoom, avoid temporary interruptions of the speaker’s microphone, increase class hours to 2 hours, for example, give time to ask questions (which was not the case at the start of the training). thank you so much”

“Every lesson content to be shared, after every lesson.”

“Spend less time on the modules on which it is easy to document, such as the history of the Church or Christianity, or the Bible, for example. And develop more on the reflection and analysis modules.”

“Compared to the course everything went well the lord was there each time the real problem is the connection compared to the courses I will ask that the church study more African cultural values ​​to bring what is good in our cultures into the light of Christ that is to say in the church I want to talk about acculturation this will allow the church to be closer to its members and its faithful.”

“Participants came from diverse backgrounds. Presenters need to take this into account. The concepts and technical words used must be well explained to allow everyone to fully understand the presentations. When I listened to the presenters, I said to myself that those who have done philosophy and sociology could do well.”

“It is profitable to use zoom and give the notes in advance.”

“Hello Pax Romana. I really liked the training, the speakers and even the themes chosen. I suggest that the courses be given in the evening to allow everyone to participate and also to choose the network that does not require too much for a good connection. Personally, I have not been able to participate in the last sessions. The app stopped responding. Once again big thank you for this session which has shown a great benefit to my person.”

“It is necessary to sensitize the members to participate in such training it is enriching.”

“Really I was sent to follow this formation but I would recommend that this formation be annual to help the new Lay leaders to know well the history of our Church.”

‘My recommendations are that next time we make the series on much closer days. When they are spread out it is hard to follow. I missed some of the classes because they slipped my mind and I added other activities to my calendar. The time between the lessons should be reduced.”

“Create if possible a platform (accessible only to managers) where you can find the animations of the courses.”

“Please dig deeper into the Bible module.”

“The duration of the training is very short.”

“I recommend that the materials be available before the sessions. This will allow us to deepen our knowledge and master them. And if possible, audiovisual support is sent in the WhatsApp group for latecomers and absentees.”

“Materials to be packaged so that they are shared after each session to assist those who might have missed a session.”

“The course can be improved by having small group discussions so that participants can engage in depth.”

“Give students more materials to read after the lectures.”

“Extend class to 2hrs so that we can have one-hour interaction.”

“Try evening classes probably on Tuesdays.”

“I opine that the studies have some assignments to make the participants keen.”

“As mentioned in my assignment, I would like to propose we have a day during the week after people have knocked off. Saturdays are packed days when people want to do other things. Thank you.”

“My recommendations are: record the class and send the texts of the teachings and the recordings before the start of the next class. For this, it would be good to discuss with the trainers before the start of the course.”

“Advertise more especially now that it is an online program. It can benefit so many people. Consider a physical session for like a week or 03 full days in different countries as it offers a bigger room for interaction.”

“In terms of recommendations to do better, I would propose in particular: putting Powerpoint content online at the end of a module; – the dissemination of the link a little earlier, and a short time for questions at the start of a new session of the same module.”

“That our trainers who do not present their lessons in PowerPoint at least send us notes so that we can have somewhere to refer to.”

“I suggest going in depth. I consider this only part of the introduction to theology. Because I discovered that, I have a lot to know about the Church, the Bible, and the tradition.”

“I do not see any downside, only if we can have the sound upgraded to allow us to experience the lessons well.”

“I recommend making podcasts about the courses. Especially for the French language where the hours are staggered. The podcasts (if necessary to secure) will allow us to come back to the course at any time and prepare questions for the next session.”

“As a recommendation, I would like the modules to reach us in advance before the course takes place, this will allow us to ask questions better.”

“Make brief Powerpoint presentations and leave more room for discussion with participants. The planning was perfectly good and I personally enjoyed it but I there was a need to increase hours per day so that we reduce the number of days of the training.”