Gloire Kateme Review

Function: ICMICA -MIIC Youth Ambassador

Joined ICMICA in 2021

This is to certify that Gloire Kateme from DR Congo has rendered the following services to ICMICA Africa and its audience and has participated in the events organized by the organizations as detailed below.

YEAR 2023

Meeting participation in line with his duty

  • Meeting attendance: 3/3
  • Punctuality: 3/3
  • Contribution and inputs: good

Webinar organisation

  • Meeting of the Youth Ambassadors
    • Mobilisation capacity: 6 people out of 8 francophones
  • Being the salt of the earth
    • Mobilisation capacity: 12 people
  • Comment reussir dans la vie: developement personnel et professionnel
    • Mobilisation capacity: 15 people

Webinar moderation

  • Meeting of the Youth Ambassadors: good
  • Being the salt of the earth: good

Video editing

Graphic designing

  • Being the salt of the earth

Webinar participation
