On Sunday, November 20, 2022, on the Solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe, the regular monthly meeting of the MIIC Pax Romana Togo was held at the Comboni Missionary Animation Center of Cacavéli to which the executive of the MIEC Pax Romana was invited. TOGO.
The agenda was as follows:
1- Revitalize the collaboration between the two movements,
2- AOB.
Revitalize the collaboration between the two movements (MIEC and MIIC)
This meeting had a particular character insofar as the cadets of the MIEC Pax Romana Togo were invited to it.
Opening the meeting, the president of the MIIC Pax Romana Togo, Dr. Jules WAHARE, welcomed the audience and clarified the context of the meeting. For the MIIC Pax Romana Togo, it was a question of relaunching a permanent dynamic of concerted actions with the members of the MIEC in order to relaunch the activities within the 02 movements and to arouse more adhesion and mobilization.
A reminder was made of the dynamics in which the MIIC Pax Romana Togo finds itself to always strengthen the existing links with the MIEC Pax Romana Togo through the joint activities that have already been carried out in the past. Indeed, the MIIC has always made itself available to accompany the MIEC cadets through training to strengthen their capacities and through recollections together with them.
The debates were quite rich, each of the movements raising the problem of the weakening of active members and possible solutions to remedy it.
Among other strategies proposed to maintain the MIEC-MIIC synergy, they agreed to:
• Revitalize the MIEC-MIIC joint commission already in place, in order to propose, organize and conduct the joint activities selected;
• Carry out a project to set up a general directory of members of the Pax Romana family in TOGO in order to have a database of all the members of the 2 movements to allow, among other things, to project and plan the establishment of the movement in the other dioceses of TOGO, to allow the natural transition from the MIEC to the MIIC and to share more easily with the junior of the MIEC, the employment opportunities encountered by the elders of the MIIC;
• Make use of members of the MIIC Pax Romana Togo who each have extensive experience in their respective fields of activity by the cadets of the MIEC, in the development of their program of activities and in the organization of their training sessions;
• Make common activities systematic at fixed intervals, for example debates on themes, meetings, training activities, recollection outings, etc.
Any other Business
In other words, the exchanges made it possible to share the news at the level of the two movements.
The new office of the MIEC was presented and especially the members in transition between the MIEC and the MIIC. It was rightly pointed out that the MIIC was the de facto destination of any former MIEC member who enters professional life.
At the national level and at the MIEC level, a plan has been drawn up with a view to relaunching the activities of the MIEC within the country’s second public university in Kara in the North of Togo.
The representative of the young ambassadors of MIIC Africa and national president of MIEC Togo reported on their activity with the coordination of Pax Romana and the other regional ambassadors.
The members of MIIC Togo for the most part urged their MIEC cadets to stay the course and especially to keep the MIIC informed for the various activities to come. They reiterated their availability to accompany them in the course of their activities.
Moreover, an entrepreneurship initiation project is being developed by MIEC Togo and Benin members for members in order to stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit among these young people and further find donors or mechanisms. funding support for the best projects.
The outgoing national president of IMCS Togo is a candidate for the coordination of IMCS Africa and the Pan-African Assembly will be held in December in Nairobi, Kenya. All members of Pax Romana Togo are mobilized and committed to supporting it.
The MIEC cadets expressed their satisfaction with this opportunity offered to them by their MIIC elders in order to feel closer to them as a Pax Romana family.
The opening and ending prayers were said by the younger sister of IMCS Pax Romana TOGO ABDOU Fati Yvette.
Report compiled by Marcellin NEHANKE, MIIC Togo Secretary General